Night Forms lights up GFS

A glow through the trees, a glimpse of light and a sound you don’t recognize.  Beckoning you forward…

Night Forms: dreamloop by Klip Collective is an after-hours multi-sensory experience created between art and nature.  An ambient phenomenon to delight the senses, turn strangers into playful cohorts, and provide a unique, unforgettable experience.

Night Forms is a unique synthesis of video projection, light and sound as a bridge between technology and storytelling.  Digital projection mapping is designed to create a dialog with sculptures in the collection, offering new perspectives and turning the act of viewing into immersive event.  Sculptures shrouded in the winter landscape become beacons to remembering a long-forgotten ritual.

Experience this rare opportunity to explore Grounds For Sculpture at night through more than a dozen site-specific works, including an illuminated tree-lined path. Night Forms, crescendos between order and chaos, with unexpected twists and “glitches” heightening the shared experience along the way.